Home Maintenance

Your January To-Do List

If one of your New Year's resolutions is to stay up to date with your home's maintenance, then you're in luck! At Kaplan Construction, one of our resolutions is to put out a list of things to do for your home each month. This month we would like to focus on home safety and air circulation.

Photo Credit: Home House Design via Compfight cc

Photo Credit: Home House Design via Compfight cc

Here is a list of things to do for your home in January!

  1. Replace or wash (if permanent filter) your filters for your HVAC and humidifiers. This will ensure clean air circulation and energy efficiency. It is best to replace or clean your filters every month.
  2. Vacuum all heat vents. 
  3. Clean and inspect your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. Make sure they are fully functioning and have a fresh batteries.
  4. Make sure you have working fire extinguishers. Consider placing them in prime locations in your home, such as near the fireplace and in the kitchen.
  5. Check for any leaks in your forced air heat ducts and seal with duct tape. This will allow your system to work efficiently.
  6. Check for indoor condensation on your windows and take corrective action.
  7. Check and test GFCI (Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter) outlets to make sure they are working properly.
  8. Review warranties and product material to check on recommended maintenance for furnace, equipment, appliances, and tools. You could mark your calendar to track  scheduled upkeep and service.

Contact Kaplan Construction at 562-495-0483 or via email for caulking and insulation work, heating and furnace replacement, and new window installation.

Stay tuned for our monthly list of things to do for your home!

You can download a printable To-Do List here.

Source: patch.com

Bring on the Rain - Just Not in Your House

Not everyday in California is all sunshine (but it sure feels like it), and we forget to prepare for the rain. There is talk of El Nino returning to California in the fall and winter. The Los Angeles Times calls it the ‘Godzilla’ El Nino. Here at Kaplan Construction, we want you to be prepared for this weather shift with a few tips.

Photo Credit: FotosdeManuela via Compfight cc

Photo Credit: FotosdeManuela via Compfight cc

6 things to check to make sure your home is ready for rain:

  1. Gutters
    Clogged gutters could cause water to remain stagnant in places around the house. This will cause the soil to soften around your home, and potentially damage your house’s foundation.

  2. Roof
    Any cracks or damage on your roof may cause leaks in your house

  3. Ceilings
    This will be a good confirmation if there is a roof leak or any other type of leak that may be fixed before the rain arrives.

  4. Doors and Windows
    Make sure doors and windows can close properly. Water will be able to seep in if not properly sealed and shut.

  5. Decks
    Make sure your deck has been checked and resealed. Water, especially, can cause your deck to rot and deteriorate.

  6. Outdoor Items
    Make sure to store outdoor items properly, such as garden tools and BBQ grills.

Contact Kaplan Construction at 562-495-0483 or via email to have the wood around your doors and windows stripped and resealed and/or your deck checked and resealed before the rain starts.


DIY vs. Hiring a Contractor

DIY is short for Do It Yourself. With different websites and TV shows dedicated to DIY, people tend to opt for DIY option to save money. When considering a larger project, such as remodeling or renovating your home, is DIY the way to go? Or should a professional handle the job?

Photo Credit: SergioXC via Compfight cc

Photo Credit: SergioXC via Compfight cc

Bankrate.com offers three things to take into consideration when making the decision:

  1. Assess your skills.
    Experience and patience are important factors to a successful project. It will be difficult to tackle a large project yourself without the proper experience.

  2. Consider the costs.
    It may be cheaper just purchasing the material yourself, but if you do not have to tools needed for the project, it could be costly. It might be cheaper to hire a contractor.

  3. Evaluate your options.
    Compare the cost of remodeling yourself with the cost of hiring a contractor, as well as the tradeoffs for each option, to determine which route to choose.

The article may be read here

Moneycrashers.com provides possible decision making considerations…

- The DIY project can possibly kill you if you are not experienced.
- You could destroy your home
- Some projects may require a permit

- The job may be dangerous
- Mistakes can be costly
- It can hurt your home’s value

- Price the professional job
- Add the DIY costs
- Estimate time required
- Calculate your hourly wage

For a detailed explanation, the article may be read here.

With these topics to consider, one can determine whether or not it is feasible to do without a contractor.

Contact Kaplan Construction at 562-495-0483 or via email  if you decide to go with a contractor for any home renovations or additions.

National Preparedness Month - Week 3

Week 3 (September 13-19) of National Preparedness Month focuses on Hurricanes. Although California almost never experiences hurricanes, this may be helpful with all the El Nino forecasts. This week alone, the forecast for Long Beach has rain tonight and tomorrow.

Here are 3 quick tips to prepare for hurricanes:

  • Make a plan – specific meeting locations, emergency contacts, and procedures
  • Make a kit – organize a supply kit with basic survival items
  • Protect your home – secure items and make sure insurance is up to date

For the complete detailed list, go to http://www.mnn.com/family/protection-safety/sponsorstory/6-tips-to-prepare-for-a-hurricane and http://www.coastalliving.com/lifestyle/preparing-for-hurricane-irene

Feel free to contact Kaplan Construction at 562-495-0483 or via email  for any renovations or remodeling so your home is ready for El Nino.