Home Maintenance

Hello, April! Your April To-Do List!

It's April, and here is your April To-Do list! Spring cleaning!

Home Remodel in Belmont Heights, CA. For more photos of this remodel, click here.

Home Remodel in Belmont Heights, CA. For more photos of this remodel, click here.

  1. Replace your air conditioning filter
  2. Clean and repair gutters and downspouts
  3. Check attic vents and power vent fans
  4. Cut trees and shrubs away from house
  5. Clean out and organize garage

For detailed information and ideas to complete each task, Danny Lipford from Today's Homeowner provides a blog post on these.

You can download a printable To-Do list here.


Hello, March! Your March To-Do List!

With Spring just a few weeks away, here is the To-Do list to prepare your home for Spring! Kiplinger.com offers some things to check in your home.

Photo: Kitchen Remodel in Belmont Shore, CA. You can find more photos of this remodel here.

Photo: Kitchen Remodel in Belmont Shore, CA. You can find more photos of this remodel here.

  1. Inspect your air conditioning unit
  2. Install a programmable thermostat, if you don't have one already
  3. Caulk the cracks on doors and windows
  4. Clean out the gutters
  5. Clean and check your roof for any leaks
  6. Pressure wash your home
  7. Clean your windows
  8. Check your deck if it needs repairs
  9. Have your chimney cleaned
  10. Tune up your lawn mower

For more information on these items you can check kiplinger.com's blog here.

Contact Kaplan Construction at 562-495-0483 or via email for caulking and insulation work, heating and furnace replacement, and new window installation.

You can find a downloadable To-Do List here.

Hello, February! Your February To-Do List!

This month we will focus on the kitchen. Your kitchen worked hard over the holidays and now would be the best time to give it some TLC (tender love and care)!

Photo Credit: SarahKaron via Compfight cc

Photo Credit: SarahKaron via Compfight cc

Danny Lipford from Today's Homeowner provides a to-do list for your kitchen.

  1. Replace your filters for clean air circulation. 
  2. Clean the vent filter and fan over your stove and the filter on your microwave. Remember to degrease the vent and microwave as well.
  3. Clean and degrease kitchen cabinets.
  4. Clean the oven and stove top.
  5. Clean and degrease all kitchen appliances.

You can find detailed instructions and tips for each item on the list here.

You can download a printable To-Do List here.