With the cooler weather coming into Southern California, most people will be using more natural gas in their homes. Since natural gas is cheaper than using electricity for our heating needs, many people use natural gas. Southern California Gas Company is offering appliance and energy-efficient natural gas rebates.
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Here are some rebates that are offered through So Cal Gas Co. NOTE: rebates may vary based on where you live, so it is best to check with your local provider to see if these rebates are valid.
Water Heater
You can receive a $100 rebate on an ENERGY STAR certified, high-efficiency natural gas storage water heaters with an Energy Factor (EF) of 0.67 or greater.
You can find qualifying water heaters here.
Tankless Water Heater
Receive a rebate of up to $200 on ENERGY STAR certified natural gas tankless water heaters .
- $200 rebate for ENERGY STAR certified models with an Energy Factor of 0.90 or higher
- $150 rebate for high efficiency models that meet a minimum Energy Factor of 0.82-0.89
Note: you must be replacing a conventional tank-type water heater.
Clothes Washer
Receive a $75 rebate on ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2016 clothes washers with Integrated Modified Energy Factor (IMEF) of 2.76 or greater AND Integrated Water Factor (IWF) of 3.2 or less.
Receive a $50 rebate on select Higher Efficiency ENERGY STAR certified clothes washers. Must meet ENERGY STAR's current 2016 specifications.
Cold Water Clothes Washer
SoCalGas® offers a $200 rebate on the Whirlpool Cold Water Technology Washer (Model Number WTW4715EW).
Natural Gas Dryer
Receive a $50 rebate on an ENERGY STAR certified natural gas dryer with a Combined Energy Factor (CEF) of 3.48.
For the entire list of rebates offered from SoCal Gas Co here.
In past posts throughout this year we've discussed some energy saving tips that you may find useful: FAST AND FREE SUMMER CONSERVATION TIPS, INEXPENSIVE ENERGY SOLUTIONS, and GOOD ENERGY SAVING INVESTMENTS.