This Thursday, October 20, at 10:20 AM is The Great California Shakeout.
Living in California, one of the biggest natural disasters that occurs here are earthquakes. We get earthquakes in California every day. California is known as earthquake country. Just a couple weeks ago an earthquake warning was released to southern California by the Governor's Office of Emergency Services after a series of small temblors deep under the Salton Sea, which is located on the 800-mile-long San Andreas fault. Following the earthquake warning, there was a 2.4 magnitude earthquake centered at Seal Beach, CA. According to the California Department of Conservation,
"Each year, California generally gets two or three earthquakes large enough to cause moderate damage to structures."
With that being said, it is best to always be prepared. We don’t know when the “big one” will come, but at least we’ll be ready for it.
Photo Credit: kellyb.flanagan via Compfight cc
So how do we join in The Great California Shake Out?
The Great California Shake Out is an annual earthquake drill that businesses, schools, government agencies, and individuals participate in. You can register HERE. Once you register, you can join in on The Great California Shake out by practicing your earthquake drill.
For more information on how to participate in The Great California Shakeout, go to
Participate in The Great California Shakeout on October 20, 2016 at 10:20AM! “Drop, Cover, and Hold On!”
Tips on preparing for an earthquake
Here are a few tips provided by the Red Cross and
- Pick a safe place in each room of your home, workplace, and/or school away from windows, bookcases, or tall furniture.
Windows can shatter during an earthquake, so you should find a safe place away from windows. Bookcases and tall furniture can fall on you during an earthquake.
- Keep a flashlight and sturdy shoes by each person’s bed.
In the event of an earthquake, power can be lost so it'll be good to have a flashlight near your bed. Sturdy shoes are important, especially if there is broken glass or debris from the earthquake.
- Make sure your home is securely anchored to its foundation.
This is especially important. If your home is not securely anchored to its foundation, your home has a greater possibility of collapsing.
- Bolt and brace water heaters and gas appliances to wall studs.
Bolting and bracing water heaters and gas appliances to wall studs will help prevent any water and gas leaks in the event of an earthquake.
- Learn to shut off gas valves in your home and keep a wrench handy for that purpose.
Going along with the previous tip, you do not want gas leaks in your home after an earthquake, so make sure you know where your gas valves are and learn how to shut them off.
- Keep and maintain an emergency supplies kit in an easy-to-access location.
This is especially important when a strong earthquake occurs. Having an emergency supply kit ready and easy to access will help tend to minor or major injuries that occur after an earthquake until the medical aid arrives.
- Store critical supplies, such as water, medication and documents.
For devastating earthquakes, this is especially important. You may be left with no power or running water, so it would be handy to have food, water, medications, important documents, and other supplies stored.
- Plan how you will communicate with family members.
We never know when or what time an earthquake will happen, so coordinate with family members on how you will communicate or meet if you are all not together when an earthquake occurs.
Contact Kaplan Construction at 562-495-0483 or via email at BOB@KAPLANCONSTRUCTION.COM to check your home’s foundation.
More information on The Great California Shake Out and Earthquake Preparedness
For a complete list of the earthquake safety checklist, you can find it at: and