Free Easy-Energy Saving Tips!

With these tips from the Natural Resource Defense Council (NRDC), you can easily reduce your energy consumption.

Photo Credit: JaimeBedia via Compfight cc

Photo Credit: JaimeBedia via Compfight cc

  • Switch off an appliance when you are finished using it. For example, turning off your desktop instead of leaving it idle will save energy.
  • Unplug seldom used appliances and appliances that don’t require being plugged in all day.
  • Take control of temperature. In winter, set your thermostat to 68 degrees or less during the daytime, and 55 degrees before going to sleep (or when you're away for the day). During the summer, set thermostats to 78 degrees or more.
  • Don’t forget to turn off the lights when leaving a room.
  • Use appliances efficiently.

For a detailed description of tips provided by the NRDC, use the following link:

Tricks to Ensure Your Halloween is a Treat

Halloween is just around the corner! Here are some tricks from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) for you and the kids to have a fun and safe Halloween!

Photo Credit: nocturnae via Compfight cc

Photo Credit: nocturnae via Compfight cc

All dressed up:

  • Plan costumes bright and reflective
  • Consider adding reflective tape or striping to costume
  • Make sure accessories, such as swords or sticks, are not sharp or too long.
  • Use flashlights with fresh batteries
  • Teach children how to call 9-1-1

On the trick-or-treat trail:

  • Always have a responsible adult accompany young children on their neighborhood rounds
  • Only go to homes with a porch light on and never enter a home or cat for a treat
  • Carry a cell phone for quick communication
  • Never cut across yards or use alleys
  • Notify law enforcement authorities of any suspicious activity

For more tricks to ensure your Halloween is a treat, go to the American Academy of Pediatrics website here.

Bring on the Rain - Just Not in Your House

Not everyday in California is all sunshine (but it sure feels like it), and we forget to prepare for the rain. There is talk of El Nino returning to California in the fall and winter. The Los Angeles Times calls it the ‘Godzilla’ El Nino. Here at Kaplan Construction, we want you to be prepared for this weather shift with a few tips.

Photo Credit: FotosdeManuela via Compfight cc

Photo Credit: FotosdeManuela via Compfight cc

6 things to check to make sure your home is ready for rain:

  1. Gutters
    Clogged gutters could cause water to remain stagnant in places around the house. This will cause the soil to soften around your home, and potentially damage your house’s foundation.

  2. Roof
    Any cracks or damage on your roof may cause leaks in your house

  3. Ceilings
    This will be a good confirmation if there is a roof leak or any other type of leak that may be fixed before the rain arrives.

  4. Doors and Windows
    Make sure doors and windows can close properly. Water will be able to seep in if not properly sealed and shut.

  5. Decks
    Make sure your deck has been checked and resealed. Water, especially, can cause your deck to rot and deteriorate.

  6. Outdoor Items
    Make sure to store outdoor items properly, such as garden tools and BBQ grills.

Contact Kaplan Construction at 562-495-0483 or via email to have the wood around your doors and windows stripped and resealed and/or your deck checked and resealed before the rain starts.
