Summer is just around the corner! With summer comes higher utility bills. Here are some fast and free conservation tips from the Consumer Energy Center California Energy Commission to ensure you're conserving during summer!
Photo: One of Kaplan Construction's projects. A home remodel in Long Beach, CA. For more photos of this home, click here.
- Use your microwave to cook. Microwaves use 2/3's less energy than cooking on a stove.
- Use your dishwasher to wash dishes (make sure it's a full load). Dishwashers use less water than hand washing. To save energy, let your dishes air dry.
- Having lots of food in your refrigerator prevents the fridge from warming up too fast when the door is open. So fill up your fridge, so your fridge does not have to work as hard to stay cool.
- Turn up your thermostat to 78 degrees when you are home and 85 degrees or off when you are away.
- Help prevent power outages by using high energy consuming appliances (i.e. your washing machine and dryer) after 6 P.M.
- Turn off lights and equipment when not in use.
For more tips on energy and water conservation, click here.