7 Winter Water Conservation Tips

Although the 'Godzilla' El Nino is predicted for this winter season, we are still in a drought and need to conserve water.

Photo Credit: Notned Photo via Compfight cc

Photo Credit: Notned Photo via Compfight cc

Here are some water conservation tips from saveourwater.com to keep in mind this winter!

  • Check for leaks
  • Install low-flow showerheads
  • Consider investing in a rain barrel to collect rain water to be used for watering plants.
  • Keep showers to 5 minutes
  • Run the dishwasher and washing machines with full loads
  • Fill the sink when hand washing dishes
  • Do not use the toilet as a wastebasket

For more tips on conserving water, you can check out saveourwater.com's blog here.

Your January To-Do List

If one of your New Year's resolutions is to stay up to date with your home's maintenance, then you're in luck! At Kaplan Construction, one of our resolutions is to put out a list of things to do for your home each month. This month we would like to focus on home safety and air circulation.

Photo Credit: Home House Design via Compfight cc

Photo Credit: Home House Design via Compfight cc

Here is a list of things to do for your home in January!

  1. Replace or wash (if permanent filter) your filters for your HVAC and humidifiers. This will ensure clean air circulation and energy efficiency. It is best to replace or clean your filters every month.
  2. Vacuum all heat vents. 
  3. Clean and inspect your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. Make sure they are fully functioning and have a fresh batteries.
  4. Make sure you have working fire extinguishers. Consider placing them in prime locations in your home, such as near the fireplace and in the kitchen.
  5. Check for any leaks in your forced air heat ducts and seal with duct tape. This will allow your system to work efficiently.
  6. Check for indoor condensation on your windows and take corrective action.
  7. Check and test GFCI (Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter) outlets to make sure they are working properly.
  8. Review warranties and product material to check on recommended maintenance for furnace, equipment, appliances, and tools. You could mark your calendar to track  scheduled upkeep and service.

Contact Kaplan Construction at 562-495-0483 or via email for caulking and insulation work, heating and furnace replacement, and new window installation.

Stay tuned for our monthly list of things to do for your home!

You can download a printable To-Do List here.

Source: patch.com