Energy Saving Tips for This Warm Winter

This past we've been getting Summer-like weather, aka perfect beach weather, with temperatures reaching the high 80's and even 90 degrees. Here are some tips to save energy and stay cool this summer-like winter:

Photo Credit: V. Campana

Photo Credit: V. Campana

  • Replace your air conditioning filter (if you haven't done so already) to maximize the efficiency of your air circulation.
  • Turn up your thermostat to 78 degrees when you are home and 85 degrees or off  when you are away from home.
  • Help prevent electricity outages by using appliances after 6 P.M.
  • Turn off lights and equipment when not in  use.
  • Cooking on a microwave uses 2/3's the energy than cooking on your stove.

With these tips, you can conserve energy and save money on your electricity bill this month!

Valentine's Day Ideas with Your Little Ones!

This Valentine's Day, you many want to try some DIY Valentine ideas with the kids rather than the traditional Valentine's Day card and piece of candy. This will make for great Valentines they can hand out to their friends and classmates, and the kids will enjoy making them.

Here are just a few of our favorites!

"Will zoo be mine?"

Image Source and Idea: The Blue Robbin Cottage

Image Source and Idea: The Blue Robbin Cottage

"You make my heart pop!"

Image Source: Love Stitched

Image Source: Love Stitched

"Happy Valentine's Day Love Bug!"

Image Source and Idea: Dandee Designs

Image Source and Idea: Dandee Designs

"Our class would knot be the same without you!"

Image Source and Idea: Dandee DesignsAren't they cute? You can find many more ideas at Pop Sugar here!

Image Source and Idea: Dandee Designs

Aren't they cute? You can find many more ideas at Pop Sugar here!

Hello, February! Your February To-Do List!

This month we will focus on the kitchen. Your kitchen worked hard over the holidays and now would be the best time to give it some TLC (tender love and care)!

Photo Credit: SarahKaron via Compfight cc

Photo Credit: SarahKaron via Compfight cc

Danny Lipford from Today's Homeowner provides a to-do list for your kitchen.

  1. Replace your filters for clean air circulation. 
  2. Clean the vent filter and fan over your stove and the filter on your microwave. Remember to degrease the vent and microwave as well.
  3. Clean and degrease kitchen cabinets.
  4. Clean the oven and stove top.
  5. Clean and degrease all kitchen appliances.

You can find detailed instructions and tips for each item on the list here.

You can download a printable To-Do List here.

3 Things to Keep in Mind Before You Remodel

Thinking of having your home remodeled? Here are a few things to keep in mind before you decide to remodel.

Home Remodel in Laguna Beach, CA. To see more images of this house, click here.

Home Remodel in Laguna Beach, CA. To see more images of this house, click here.

  1. Know Your Budget
    Understand how much you can spend for the remodel. Keep in mind the fees for obtaining city permits for a  remodel.

  2. Focus on the Reasons Why You want a Remodel
    For example, you want to expand your master bedroom to accommodate a walk in closet. Think of how you want storage to work in that space and what you plan on storing in the closet. Doing so, will allow you to maximize the space in your closet.

  3. Understand the Remodel may be a Lengthy Process
    Depending on what it is you plan on remodeling, you may or may not be able to live in your home during the remodeling process. It would be best to prepare if you will need to move out during the remodel.

Keeping these 3 tips in mind will have you ready for your home remodel!

Contact Kaplan Construction at 562-495-0483 or via email for your next home remodel!